Broker Commands
Create a broker and its associated resources - MQSICREATEBROKER (brokerName) -i (serviceUserId) -a (servicePassword) -q (queueManagerName) -n
Change one or more of the configuration parameters of the broker -
Delete a broker - MQSIDELETEBROKER
Request the broker to stop and restart execution groups - MQSIRELOAD(BrokerName)
Create deployable broker archive files containing message flows and dictionaries
(WorkSpace) -o (FilePathOfMsgFlow) -b (BarName)
Deployment request to the Configuration Manager - MQSIDEPLOY -b
(brokerName) -e (executionGroupName) -a (BARFileName)
ConfigManager Commands
Create a Configuration Manager and its associated resources - MQSICREATECONFIGMGR (ConfigmgrName) -i (ServiceUserID) -a (ServicePassword)
-q (QueueManagerName)
Changes one or more of the properties of the Configuration Manager -
Delete a named Configuration Manager - MQSIDELETECONFIGMGR (ConfigmgrName)
Properties commands
Modify broker properties and properties of broker resources -
MQSICHANGEPROPERTIES (BrokerName) -o (ObjectName) -n (PropertyName) -v
Display properties that relate to a broker, an execution group, or a configurable service
Display the trace options currently in effect - MQSIREPORTTRACE (Broker Name)
–u –e (ExecutionGroupName) –f (FlowName) –o (OutFileName)
Set the tracing characteristics for a component - MQSICHANGETRACE (Broker Name)
-u – e (ExecutionGroupName) –f (FlowName) –r –l (Level)
Retrieve the trace log for the specified component - MQSIREADLOG (Broker Name)
–u –e (ExecutionGroupName) –f (FlowName) –o (OutFileName)
Process the XML log created by mqsireadlog - MQSIFORMATLOG –i (InputFileName)
–o (OutFileName)
Note : In the above trace commands Broker Name can be replaced by any component you wish to generate and read logs
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