Key Skills

1)      How can you expose web services? HTTP,SOAP NODES
ans:-http and soap nodes
2)      Default port of HTTP & SOAP nodes?
3)      Can you change the default port of HTTP node?
ans:-in properties are environment variables
4)      What is difference between   HTTP & SOAP node?
ans:-soap needs wsdl mutiple address,attachement -- http any format,no multiple attachements

5)      After creation of WSDL what will you provide to client ?
ans:-url port
6)      How to handle the Exception?
ans using try catch
7)      How can you extract the error code?
ans get error code in headers,exception objects,in headers of node
8)      Tell me types of Queues?
ans local remote alias deadleter,transit model
9)      What is initiation Queue ?
to trigger a flow
10)  What is difference between transmission  Queue &  initiation Queue?
ans transit queue works as a channel for the message to trnafer.
11)  What the name of default dead letter queue?
12)  Tell me different type of channels?
ans sender,receiver,serverconnection,client connection,cluster sender,receiver

13)  How to provide Security to channels?
ans using ssl
14)  How to create instances to message flow?
ans deploy in different egs,at bode level,flow level property instances
15)  How to change that instances in message flow level in  production?
ans broker property file instances talken bu the properties of broker
16)  In which situation we can use try_catch node ?
ans if the preceding node does not have try catch terminal
17)  Explain pub-sub in MQ?
ans with mb flow till mq7,afetr mq7 we have pubsub in mq
18)  Explain pub-sub in  MB?
ans mqrfh2 headers for the pubsub
19)  How to configure the jms nodes to MQ?
20)  How to configure the jms nodes to MB?
21)  How will you know if error raised in production?
ans check error logs,implemet log4j or notification,monitoring tools

22)  Tel me about SAP adapter Nodes?
ans:inbound,oubound adapter to communicate with sap systems
23)  How to do logging?
ans databse,file syatem,trace,log4j
24)  How to do debugging?
debug prespective,
25)  How to deploy message flow in mb 6 and later versions?
ans create bar file and deploy in administrator prespective
26)  Tell the complete command to create barfile?
ans mqsicreatebar
27)  Tell the complete command to deploy barfile?
28)  Tell the complete command to overide barfile?
29)  How to create DSN in windows?
administrative tools
30)  How to create DSN in unix?
ans modify db file
31)  How to configure DSN  to Broker?
32)  How to configure email output node configuration  to Broker?
ans smtp server followed by port
33)  Tel me about sibeal nodes?
34)  Tel me about SAP adapter connection?
35)  What is difference between MQINPUT & MQ GET?
ans read queue middle of the flow, picks the message at begining
36)  What is difference between  FILE INPUT& FILEREAD?
ans read file from directory,read content of file
37)  How to give directory name to file input node when file is located in a external server?
ans configure server details and use it ftp
38)  What is difference between environment&localenvironment?
ans environment no change through out the flow,loc environment changes from node to node
39)  What is difference between external , normal,shared variables?
40)  Explain about validation node ?
ans validate in coming data with message set
41)  Tel me complete procedure for creating message set?
ans message type,message group ,element
42)  Tell me different parsers in MB?
43)  Tel me transaction property of mq inputnode amd mq output node?
ans yes tell to process message further
44)  Tel the logical tree structure in WMB?
ans message env, lenv ,excep
45)  Tel me about MQMD header?
ans message id,put time creation time, expiry format source queue
46)  What is  difference between SOAP REQUEST & SOAP ASYNCHORONOUS node?
47)  What will you do if you get new requirement from client?

48)  How to convert xml data to csv by using compute node?
messgae set
49)  Difference between WMB 7 & 8?
50)  How to call external java class from esql?
ans call external java
51)  Why do you use WMQ as middle ware in EAI?
to transfer messgaes and presistence
52)  Why do you use WMB  in EAI?
53)  Which key word is used to send output to multiple terminals?
and propagte
54)  How to create WTX map?
copy books upload and map the elemts
55)  Which methods are available in HTTP NODE?
and HTTP methods (for example GET, POST, PUT and DELETE)
56)  How to stop the particular msgflow ?
ans mqsistopmsgflow
57)  What is version of java in mb 8?java 1.7
58)  is it possible to one broker can communicate with multiple QM?
ans no

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